Offering the best port logistic services for over 39 years


Off-Shore Support Base

Triunfo has a customs-ready area spanning 50,000 m², part of which in a special regime where industrial assembly can be performed as well as:

  • 740 meter quay with a draft up to 9m deep.
  • Access by rail and road,
  • Security under ISPS CODE,
  • Four substations with capacity from 1500 to 3000 KVA – 220 to 440V,
  • Supply of water at 70m3/hour and storage capacity up to 1000m3.

Triunfo also has several equipment to support operations, such as:

  • Gantry cranes up to 32t,
  • Forklifts from 4t to 40t,
  • Cranes from 25t to 750t,
  • Trucks and support vehicles,
  • Reflectors for lighting, pressurization pumps, compressors, generators,
  • Offices, dressing rooms, dining hall, radios, telephones and internet access.
  • Structures for access to platforms, such as elevators, stairways, scaffolding,
  • Elements for lifting of cargo, spreaders, shackles, wire rope.

Oil & Gas

Triunfo has a terminal located at the Port of Rio de Janeiro, authorized by Customs, the Port Authority (CDRJ) and the Environmental Authority (INEA).

Triunfo provides direct access to the terminal for people, boats, trains, vehicles and cargo.

The terminal has all the infrastructure, procedures and licenses necessary at a support base for repairs of ships and platforms

Planning and Control

Triunfo offers planning of the complete job, linking the events and timing the performed events and their implications for the entire job.


Triunfo Logística has an area spanning approximately 60.000 sqm located in the Caju neighborhood near the main entrance to the Port of Rio de Janeiro, and close to major access routes by road and rail.

This area has cargo handling equipment such as:  gantry crane, forklift trucks, cranes.

Services and Facilities

We offer services ranging from the delivery of the platform in the boarding area of the maritime pilot, its transfer and berthing at the pier base, maintenance while docked during service time until delivery. These services include all the necessary planning with the Port, Aviation and Customs authorities, as well as the hiring of maritime pilots, tug boats and mooring teams.

Modification and Maintenance

Triunfo also provides by means of certified companies the following services:

  • Treatment of plates and pipes, including cutting, welding, sandblasting, caldearia, treatment and painting.
  • Tank and industrial cleaning services,
  • Replacement of anodes,
  • Hydraulic, electrical and electronic services.

Systems and Management

Based on studies commissioned by TRIUNFO, several plans were drawn up to provide environmental safety, such as: Emergency action plan – PAE, a plan in case of fire in the terminal facilities, plan for fire on boats, plan for inspections of labor and environmental safety, plan for accidents involving dangerous goods in the terminal area, plan to control and fight the spill of oil and harmful products. Procedures for collecting liquid and solid waste stemming from mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, structural (welding, cutting and sanding) repair service.

After analyses by the competent authorities, Operation License FE011266 was granted along with registration AVB000790, issued by the State Environmental Institute- INEA.

In addition to these plans, the company provides services pertaining to Emergency Care Center (CAE), available 24×7.

In addition, we have a quality management system based on ABNT NBR ISO 9001: 208, duly certified by the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro) and The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).

Check out our other services

Facilities at the Terminal

The Triunfo port terminal has all the necessary infrastructure, procedures and licenses to operate the most diverse project loads.

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Sea Partners is a partner of Triunfo Logística, which is responsible for maritime support services.

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Seek global logistics solutions in cargo handling, import and export of products and equipment.

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Steel Products

The displacement and storage of steel products are our specialty, along with other types of solid bulk and general cargo.

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General Store

Triunfo Logística is able to operate as a general warehouse in its premises, being able to guard and store goods from third parties.

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